Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg

On 28.11 Ragnar & I had to give a lecture about Yemen...well, actually about terrorism in Yemen.
We lectured in Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg. Raganr teaches political science for students there. I had the opportunity to be "his assistant" in that day & to give the lecture together. Barabra kindly came to attend the lecture & to support me :)

The lecture was about Terrorism in general & how young people become terrorist. We focused on Yemen as an example, because we have a big issue with terrorism there. In addition to that, as a start, we tried to speak a little about Yemen as a country & showed some videos about different cities.
Unfortunately I didn't take any picture that day, I just no picture :/

The lecture or better to call it seminar was in Egnlish, but Ragnar had to explain some points in Deutsch sometimes. It was my first time to give a lecture. Well, I did some training courses for civilians in Yemen, but that was different & it was in Arabic. So this was a wonderful new experience for me & I can tell loooooudly


First of all, I was really relax & didn't feel any worry "keine Angst!".. with about 40 students there..that was amazing! :)
The students paid attention all the time "volle Aufmerksamkeit", so it wasn't boring, luckily :P
They were asking & commenting all the time, it was so good & the time passed fast. Maybe the videos, especially the one about Aden, were not that good, although I tried my best to find good videos :(

Being in the Hochschule overwhelmed me by feelings.. it's hard to explain this. I remembered how I wanted to study medicine in German, but I could not. So, being here in a university even for 2 hours as a "teacher!" meant a lot to me. I wish I'll do it again one day :)

Something else is the idea of teaching in a university, it's one of my...Dream!
Yes, I want one day to lecture students in universities or hospitals...the teaching idea captivates my imagination.
It's one of my long term goals in this life.. who knows!

I wouldn't have this opportunity without Ragnar, it was his idea & his suggestion to do it. Sometimes I wanted to quit & tell Raganr I won't do it! I was too much worried for no reason "echt".. Thanks God I didn't :D
It was good decision to move on & see what happen, best motivation was the old classic proverb that I always tell myself "I won't die anyway, will I?" . It really helps me hahahaha

Danke schön for Ragnar for the opportunity, Barbra for coming & thanks for me for standing by the idea till the end :P :P

The picture source from here.


Unknown said...

ohhh coooooool man
missing the picture thou
didn't know you wanted to be a teacher !!! really man ?? your students well be lucky herr thabet
have more fun

Thabet said...

Yep..Yep...teaching is gooood :D