This is Thabet, ur host from Aden (Yemen)
and gonna write u down my CrossCulture internship experience in Germany for the coming 3 months, more or
less ;)
If u find this post interesting and gonna follow my
upcoming posts, I suggest that u read a little bit about ifa CrossCulture internship program before anything else. All of this is because of their
amazing program J, in the upcoming posts there will
be various related links to ifa (ifa is
a German abbreviation for Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen and means Institute
for Foreign Cultural Relations).
Simple basic English will be the official language here :P, I may do some mistakes so be fine with it! I'm not that good in English language. I'll also use German language as a spices
'wie Gewütze' and in order not to get confused,
I'll mark them in red color 'wie einer der drei deutschen Flagge Farbe',
more significant , such spices won't make different for non-German speakers to
understand everything.. after all it's only spices ;)
It's Herr Ragnar Müller idea in first place (Ragnar is my internship supervisor from Pharos, read below). He
suggested to create special blog for my internship and so it was J. I feel
little bit angry about myself for missing such idea :D though I'm kinda old
blogger and created my first blog in 2006. I've been writing so few in last 2
years, so maybe this blog will motivate me to gain my writing desire again, hoffnungsvoll!
How often I'll write?
I don't know. It depends on what I'll find
interesting to write about.. I hope a lot!!
Who are youuu??
As aforementioned, I'm Thabet and I'm 2013 ifa CrossCultre holder. I'm general physician 'Artz
von Beruf' and volunteered civil activist. First I volunteered in first
aid NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Field Medical Foundation for about 2
years (2011-2012) and in 2012 I became a member in human right NGO calls Adalah for Rights & Freedoms and I was chosen by ifa cultural program based on my
activity in these NGOs and so shall all the other participants did in their
What's ur internship about?
ifa's idea is to serve cultural exchange between
Germany and the rest of the world. This specific program is limited to Islamic
countries. Most of the accepted participants come to Germany and do their
training for at least 6 weeks up to 12 weeks maximum in similar NGO of their
homeland ones. German participants go vice versa, they do their training in Islamic
Hence I'll do my training with Pharos e.V. in
Stuttgart city in Baden-Würtemburg state, Southwest Germany. Pharos is my host
NGO where I'll do my internship with them. Pharos focus on human aid and
democratic education and I'm supposed to learn things related to their work but
also to learn about Germany as a whole as well. This mean the country, the
people, the culture, the system, food.. Cars und vielleicht das deutsche Bier :P
My next post will be about my first days in
Stuttgart .. bis dahin J
Sounds like the beginning of a Great Time.
I hope it will!
Thanks Annemarie :)
Ich fine das sehr interessant.
und mehr zu kommen :)
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