Saturday, October 12, 2013

Zusammen Einzigartig

I arrived Stuttgart on 1st of Oct. It was pretty long journey from Sana'a to Istanbul then Stuttgart. Mrs Barbara Heuss-Czisch was waiting for me in the airport to take me home.  She is my guide in this city, so lovely lady..more to come about her :)

Before I came to here I did a silly mistake! I didn't brought any camera with me.. well this was SO wrong. I thought I'll buy a smartphone from here and for somehow I didn't. After all I missed picturing the worth taking moments and views.. leider :(

Otherwise, I was somehow lucky, because my internship would start on 7th of Oct, so I had 5 days left!
On 2nd and 3rd of Oct Germany was celebrating its Unity Day 'Tag der Deutschen Einheit'. Every year Germans celebrate this occasion in different city, and you can guess, this year it was in… Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg :D

German Union Day 2013
I was too lucky to live this festival just the day next to my arrival, even more, I had the chance to join Barbra, Anna Lampert (from the ifa staff) Amos Heuss (Anna's husband and Barbra's son too) and their small superman Joseph :). Letting me join their family in that day meant a lot to me. Here I seize the opportunity to say again: thank you.. Danke schön
Unfortunately there are no pictures from that day! I had no camera back then and everyone forgot his/her camera! All the pictures in this post are from the festival official site.

The representatives of the 16 states present the festival motto TOGETHER UNIQUE
This year festival motto was Zusammen Einzigartig and means more or less "Together Unique". The unique here are the 16 German federal states that all together make the Federal Republic of Germany 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland'. I find this motto or slogan really well said one, Germany is together with its differences.

lot of activities were all around Stuttgart city center and also there were 3 demonstrations I think, one was against Stuttgart 21 project.

Street Dance

Day after that festival Friday then the weekend. This was little bit hard for me because I had nothing to do, especially I had no internet access in the beginning. I felt bored more than lonely.. well maybe little bit homesick. I could not just go out and see the city, I was kind of anti-motivated to do so. Weekend was pretty tough time to pass through, I felt kind of depressed especially with my flu and cough, which they joined me since the first in Stuttgart and still until now! Such a bad company indeed :( ich HASSE Grippe. Despite the fact of the encouragement I had by some friends who I talked to them of facebook, it was not easy time.

I'll stop here, that was almost all for the first days in Stuttgart. Next post will be about my first day in Pharos, the day I got out of my 'Depression Bubble'!

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