In Geramn langauge they have pretty long long loooong words. This is all because the compound noun rule "zusammengesetzte Nomen".
The general idea is to make build compound noun from two words -or even TEN *_*- together and mostly the compound new word means what would the two words separately means.The problem is when to use this rule and when not to use it!
Well, simply there is no rule. You can't simply compound whatever you like.. it's a matter of lingual thing.. simply Germans compound these words together, but they don't with others!
Of course, this is so hard for students leaning German.. sometimes it's really crazy.
In my last lesson we had this example:
* We have two words: screiben + Tisch = Schreibtisch (write + table = writing table or desk)
* Then add one word more: schreibtisch + Stuhl = Schreibtischstuhl (writing table + chair = chair of the writing table)
* Then another more: Schreibtischstuhl + Bein = Schreibtischstuhlbein ( ~~~ + leg = leg of the chair of the writing table)
* Not enough? add more :P : Schreibtischstuhlbein + Reparatur = Schreibtischstuhlbeinreparatur ( ~~~ + Repair = Repair the leg of the writing table chair)
* Ok..don't get bored, the last addition : Schreibtischstuhlbeinreparatur + Rechnung = Schreibtischstuhlbeinreparaturrechnung (~~~ + invoice = invoice of the repaired leg of writing table chair)
Well, it sound silly and crazy, but actually when you compare the German with the English meaning...I'd prefer the German style of saying it than the English way. I mean "of ~ of ~ of~ ..." is really ugly! I guess the Germans have more sense of ..hmmm...practical language!
Finally, is good to mention that the longest published word in German language (it's a matter of argument, because theoretically we can have much LONGER words) has 79 letters:
It means:
Association for subordinate Officials of the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services.
wunderbare deutsche Sprache :))
UPDATE on 23.11.2013 at 18:45
My friend, Ahmed, shared this funny related-video with me after he read this post. He learns German too & knows what we are dealing with hahahah :D
jaaa deutsch ist ganz schwer aber toll wenn du verstehen kannst
richtig oder falsch ???
طبعا الفيديوووو يوووووجع اللسااااااااااان ررررربرربربربربررببرغغغغغغغغغغغااااااااااااع
حيطلع للواحد تشنج بعضلات اللسان ههههههههههههههه
ههههههههه اهم شي لانسى تشتري من عند الاخت بربره... مجرب ومضمون
تعرف ايش؟ تعرفت على ثلاث كلهم اسمهم باربرا!! شوف الحظ هههههههههههههه
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