Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

My dear Friends in Germany, Yemen, USA, & all over the World
Merry Christmas 
Fröhliche Weihnachten

I was watching SWR>>BW few minutes ago, and they were playing the above English Christmas song for Shakin Stevens .. I liked it a lot :)  but unfortunately I didn't find a good original clip on youtube.. nevertheless u can enjoy the song anyway :)

Down you find a famous German song "Stille Nacht". Close your eyes and listen.. no need for translation because music is a spiritual language, although, if you are so interested, you can find the song lyrics in German, English &much more here.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg

On 28.11 Ragnar & I had to give a lecture about Yemen...well, actually about terrorism in Yemen.
We lectured in Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg. Raganr teaches political science for students there. I had the opportunity to be "his assistant" in that day & to give the lecture together. Barabra kindly came to attend the lecture & to support me :)

The lecture was about Terrorism in general & how young people become terrorist. We focused on Yemen as an example, because we have a big issue with terrorism there. In addition to that, as a start, we tried to speak a little about Yemen as a country & showed some videos about different cities.
Unfortunately I didn't take any picture that day, I just forgot..so no picture :/

The lecture or better to call it seminar was in Egnlish, but Ragnar had to explain some points in Deutsch sometimes. It was my first time to give a lecture. Well, I did some training courses for civilians in Yemen, but that was different & it was in Arabic. So this was a wonderful new experience for me & I can tell loooooudly


First of all, I was really relax & didn't feel any worry "keine Angst!".. with about 40 students there..that was amazing! :)
The students paid attention all the time "volle Aufmerksamkeit", so it wasn't boring, luckily :P
They were asking & commenting all the time, it was so good & the time passed fast. Maybe the videos, especially the one about Aden, were not that good, although I tried my best to find good videos :(

Being in the Hochschule overwhelmed me by feelings.. it's hard to explain this. I remembered how I wanted to study medicine in German, but I could not. So, being here in a university even for 2 hours as a "teacher!" meant a lot to me. I wish I'll do it again one day :)

Something else is the idea of teaching in a university, it's one of my...Dream!
Yes, I want one day to lecture students in universities or hospitals...the teaching idea captivates my imagination.
It's one of my long term goals in this life.. who knows!

I wouldn't have this opportunity without Ragnar, it was his idea & his suggestion to do it. Sometimes I wanted to quit & tell Raganr I won't do it! I was too much worried for no reason "echt".. Thanks God I didn't :D
It was good decision to move on & see what happen, best motivation was the old classic proverb that I always tell myself "I won't die anyway, will I?" . It really helps me hahahaha

Danke schön for Ragnar for the opportunity, Barbra for coming & thanks for me for standing by the idea till the end :P :P

The picture source from here.

Friday, November 29, 2013


I have to write about MANY things, but i really do not have time to DO.
For example, this post about Wilhelma is waiting since 2 weeks to be published .
I do not have time to write because i have to study for my exams, so I'll be do it letter ..!

About 10 days ago - Monday, 18 Oct- Ragnar & I visited die Wilhelma.
Wilhelma in Stuttgart is large combined zoo and botanical garden & Has more than 1,000 different species, as well as more than 5,000 species of plants! :)

Wilhelma what originally a royal palace, in Moorish Revival style architecture. It was opened as a park for the public, in 1853 & 100 years later as a zoo in 1953.

Maybe I'm do not like seeing animals in zoo & I think this is sad, but is Wilhelma Consider one of the best zoos in the world. They spent a lot of money in order to Provide the best possible environment for the animals & there are dog reds of people working there. Actually, after visiting Wilhelma, I think zoos like this one are wonderful places to visit. The Zoo is not the sad place, where animal kept in dirty cages, that I've always imagined.

Enjoy the pictures, although most are without captions..leider :(

zoo tour for school students
From outside

This is really beautiful ^ ^
Wilhelma, beside animals, is beautiful place to just sit and read or relax..or just walking!

The Moorish architecture is really.. Fascinating..
Beautiful Swans :))
"Watch out of Swans", Ragnar said me, but the picture worth trying :P
Ragnar back there

on of the best places in Wilhelma

I like elephants & was happy to meet Zella & Pama :D

so cute

Hairy Donkey.. *_*
We must bring some to Yemen!! :D
I think this is really good photo.. Ragnar, Wilhelma & the stack!

Beautiful snow color

Thabet back there :P

I like Penguins too, they are so adorable 
The entrance from inside
We arrived together and left together hahah

the entrance from outside

I hope you enjoy the pictures, break me ur leg for my exams..or better bot legs hahaha

Vielen Dank lieber Raganr...für alles